Main Practice Areas
Head of Practice Partner of Transportation and of Maritime. Head of Practice Partner of Insurance. Co-Head of Compliance in the Financial Sector. Regulatory Law, notably Insurance and Pension Funds Law, Securities Law (including Collective Investment Undertakings and Private Equity Funds), Banking Law and Corporate Law.
French, Italian, Spanish, English, German
Francisco Rodrigues Rocha is Partner at GPA Law Firm and Head of Pratice Partner of Transportation and of Maritime. Head of Practice Partner of Insurance. He is also Co-Head of Compliance in the Financial Sector. He joined GPA in 2012, where he completed his law training and was also an associate lawyer. He has developed his practice in several areas, mainly in the areas of insurance and pension funds law, advising national and international insurance companies in the life and non-life sectors, in judicial and quasi-judicial proceedings, including regulatory matters (market conduct and compliance), as well as in policy review. He has also acted as ombudsman for an insurance company in the domestic market and, as a member of AIDA Portugal, he has participated in studies and consultations within the scope of legislative processes in this area.
Also to highlight his advice on a regulatory and corporate level to financial intermediaries, including credit institutions, private equity companies, collective investment undertakings and private equity funds, as well as monitoring administrative offence proceedings before the sectors’ supervisory authorities. He has also been dedicated, as lawyer, researcher and professor, to the jurisdictions of Angola, Cape-Verde, Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau.
Author of over 70 publications, in various legal areas, including Insurance Law, Banking Law, Corporate Law, Maritime Law, Transports Law, Data Privacy Law, Consumer Law, some of which are mentioned below.
Academic Curriculum
- Law Degree by Faculdade de Direito, Universidade de Lisboa, 2010
- Admitted to the Portuguese Bar Association, 2014
- Master in Law, Insurance Law, 2014
- PhD in Law by Faculdade de Direito, Universidade de Lisboa, 2021
- Visiting Assistant Professor at Faculdade de Direito, Universidade de Lisboa, 2021
Professional Background
- Associate at CIDP - Private Law Research Centre
- 2023 – Jury of the ASF Research Award
- Since 2021 – Deputy Director of the Journal of Financial Law and Capital Markets
- Since 2020 – Researcher at Iuris - Institute for Interdisciplinary Research in Law
- Since 2018 – Member of the Board of AIDA Portugal
- 2015, 2018, 2019 Heidelberg; 2022 Trento – Guest Researcher at foreign universities
- 2014 – Vice-President of the IDC – Association for the Study of Consumer Law
- Da sub-rogação no contrato de seguro (Of subrogation in insurance contract), 2011; ASF award
- Do princípio indemnizatório no seguro de danos (On the indemnity principle in damage insurance), Almedina, 2015
- Anotação à Lei das Sociedades Comerciais angolana (Annotation to the Angolan Companies Act), Almedina, 2015
- Direito marítimo. Jurisprudência para as aulas práticas (Maritime law. Jurisprudence for practical classes), AAFDL, 2018; co-authored
- 40 anos. Fundo de Garantia Automóvel (40 years. Automobile Guarantee Fund), ASF, 2021; coordinator and contributing author
- Código das Sociedades Comerciais anotado (Annotated Commercial Companies Code), coord. António Menezes Cordeiro, Almedina, 3rd to 5th eds., 2020 to 2022; co-authored; annotation to articles 243 to 245
- Comentário ao Regulamento Geral de Protecção de Dados e à Lei n.º 58/2019 (Commentary on the General Data Protection Regulation and on Law 58/2019), coord. A. Barreto Menezes Cordeiro, Almedina, 2021; annotation on articles 24 to 36 of the GDPR and 21 of the LE
- Estudos de Direito do Consumo (Studies on Consumer Law), vols. I, II e III, Almedina, 2023; coordinator of the collective work and author of contributions on electronic communications, insurance and direct debits
- Colectânea de Legislação ESG Environmental, Social & Governance, Almedina, 1st Edition, September, 2024; co-author
Awards and Nominations
- ASF Award, 2011
- UL Merit Grant, 2010/2011
- DAAD research Grant, 2015