GPA Academy and GPA Advogados will organize a virtual executive breakfast, on May 14, at 09.15 am, via Zoom application, whose theme will be “mandatory training in insurance distribution - courses, content and individuals that must obtain training ”.
This session will be in charge of Miguel Duarte Santos, coordinating associate of the Financial Regulatory department of GPA Advogados, who will analyze the training requirements in terms of insurance distribution, required under the terms of the insurance distribution legal regime and the ASF Regulatory Standard No. 6/2019-R, of 3 September. It will last 40 minutes, followed by a time for questions and debate among the participants.
Themes and dates of the next sessions will be announced in due course and can also be consulted via the website and LinkedIn page of GPA Advogados.
Registration should be made via email to by the end of the morning of May 13, 2020, with the application, in order to receive access instructions for each training session.