News The exemption and reduction of taxes and property fees on the acquisitionof a first and permanent home by young adults up to 35 years of age 09/08/2024

On 1 August 2024, as part of the Portuguese Government's implementation of several policies to address the housing crisis, two acts widely awaited by the real estate market, entered into force: 

  • Decree-Law no. 48-A/2024, of 25 July, which exempts the acquisition of a first and permanent home by young adults aged 35 or under, from Property Transfer Tax ("IMT") and Stamp tax ("IS"); and
  • Decree-Law no. 48-D/2024, of 31 July, which establishes exemptions and reductions in property fees due for the registration of the acquisition of a first and permanent home, by young adults aged 35 or under, of a property intended for their permanent residence and for the registration of the mortgage intended to guarantee the loan granted for that purchase.

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