Ordinance No. 52/2020, of 28 February, created a support system for employment and entrepreneurship, including social entrepreneurship, exclusively financed by the European Social Fund (ESF), by supporting the creation of jobs in small and medium-sized companies and social economy entities, known as “+ CO3SO Emprego” (within the scope of the Specific Regulation on Social Inclusion and Employment (REDISE), approved in annex to Ordinance No. 97-A / 2015, of 30 March).
This statute also defines the rules applicable to part of the support granted in the scope of projects foreseen in REDISE, namely: projects to create one's own job or company by unemployed people; social entrepreneurship projects; investment projects for the expansion of existing small and micro-enterprises based locally or for the creation of new companies and small businesses, in the area of the green economy.
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