![New opportunity to seek compensation with recent Truck Cartel ruling by the EU Court of Justice](https://www.gpasa.pt/xms/img/1400x720/7ff0c/emM9VDMmcT05MCZmbHRyW109/L08zbS8tME0zWnJTbS95VnNnLmJwVXBoYS80eTQ2L1BQcHNnU1ltc1dqWmpzeG5NWm1zVWptN1pzSlNZc0ZqcmpzUFBwdHp0a0py.png)
João Frias Costa, Litigation Partner at GPA Law Firm, wrote an article on the Truck Cartel, a high-profile case that, in 2016, challenged European competition law and, in 2024, has seen a new development in all EU countries after the European Court of Justice sided with EU competition regulators.
The article is available on the website of GGI Global Alliance, of which GPA Law Firm is an independent member.
Read the article HERE .