News EU Deforestation Law: Formal adoption of its one-year postponement 23/12/2024

The Council of the EU formally adopted, on the 18 of December, the regulation on the postponement of the application of EU law on deforestation by one-year. This regulation is expected, after being signed and published in the Official Journal of the EU, to enter into force before the end of 2024.

According to the press release, this postponement will allow third countries, Member States, operators and traders to be fully prepared to fulfil their due diligence obligations, which consist of ensuring that certain commodities and products sold in or exported from the EU are deforestation-free. The Deforestation Regulation is in force since 29 June 2023 and its provisions were to be applied as from 30 December 2024.

Following this specific amendment, its rules will start to apply on 30 December 2025.

The obligations resulting from this regulation will be binding as from:

- 30 December 2025, for large operators and traders;

- 30 June 2026, for micro and small businesses.

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