News Access of judicial administrators to databases to obtain information regarding the identification of the debtor and the identification and location of his assets 29/07/2021

Ordinance No. 126/2021, of June 24, amended on 7/9/2021 by the Rectification Declaration No. 23/2021, it regulated direct consultation by judicial administrators to the databases of the Tax and Customs Authority, social security, the General Retirement Fund, the Salary Guarantee Fund, the land registry, the commercial register, the car register, the civil register and other similar registers or files for obtaining information regarding the identification of the debtor and the identification and location of his assets.

In fact, with the publication of Law No. 17/2017 of 16 May, which made the first amendment to the statute of the judicial administrator, approved by Law No. 22/2013 of 26 February, judicial administrators, whether they act as provisional judicial administrator, insolvency administrator or fiduciary, were equated with enforcement agents for the purpose of consulting the databases.

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